Wednesday, February 27, 2008

27 October

Found some old pics. Thought i'd blog 'em.

Well, aan just got back from Bandung. He was good enough to remember to buy some tees for us.
He bought a Rolling Stones shirt, i can't remember the other one, and three Baby Milo's. Haha. Well, clearly i rushed for the Stones shirt. Kest took the one i can't remember and ekey,shay, and adib took the milo's. Heh. Sorry guys. But aan, really, thank you for the shirts. And i'll say that for the rest too. God bless you! >_< Other than that, that day was just pretty much usual. Hung out. Went to mapley. And back to ekey's place and just chilled till around 5. Then we'd hit for the beds. To avoid the sun. Haha. Here are some pics.

just a typical day.

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