Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve thoughts.

Well, like the title says, it's christmas eve. And i'm spending my time surfing the net. Watching trailers for The Dark Knight(Batman Begins sequel) and AVP 2. But what really hit me was the fact that remembering that it was christmas eve, made me,well.. you can call it.. homesick.
I really miss celebrating the holidays up back in the states. :I

I miss the first day of actual spring where the lands would be green and the flowers will bloom it's fullest. I miss playing with water jets in the yard during summer. To run around the pathways filled with orange and red oak leaves during fall. I miss waking the next day and going out to taste the first coat of snow from winter. I miss observing the change of seasons.

What i also miss is going around in a batman suit at night and asking for candy during halloween. I miss getting hit on by girls during valentines(haha). I miss celebrating all the holiday's at the community centre with all the people that lived there. Gosh, i miss... home. :[

Man, we should've gotten some gysahl greens or some dalmascan just now. >_>

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